Zvonimir Tutek

Zvonimir Tutek
Full professor with tenure
Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb
Bijenicka 30, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
e-mail: tutekATmathDOThr
phone: +385 1 4605737
fax: +385 1 4680335

Born: 1950, Zagreb


  • 1973 BSc Locally Convex Spaces, supervisor: M. Alić, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb
  • 1980 MSc Nonlinear Approximations, supervisor: M. Alić, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb
  • 1982 PhD One-dimensional Approximations in Linear Theory of Elasticity, supervisor: I. Aganović, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb

Teaching Activity

  • Undergraduate Courses
    more than thirty courses including Nonlinear Analysis and Applications 1 and 2, Calculus of Variations and Applications, Optimization, Theory of Functions, Continuum Mechanics, Theory of Elasticity, Fluid Mechanics, Partial Differential Equations, Ordinary Differential Equations, Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations, Analytical Mechanics 1 and 2, Applied Mathematical Analysis, Complex Analysis and Applications, Fixed Point Theorems, Numerical Analysis 1 and 2 (University of Saskatchewan)
  • Lecture Notes
  • Nonlinear Analysis and Applications 1 and 2
    Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Supervising
    thirtyfive bachelor theses
    seven MSc theses

Scientific Activity

  • Scientific projects
    1996-2002 Resercher, Mathematical Analysis of Thin and Composite Structures, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Croatia
    2002-1013 Principal Investigator, Mathematical Analysis of Thin and Composite Structures, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Croatia

  • Computer science projects
    2002 Principal Investigator, Interactive computer simulation and visualisation of fluid flow through a pipe, hemodynamical approach, Computer science project of Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Croatia
    2003 Principal Investigator, Simulation and visualization of fluid flow, Computer science project of Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Croatia

  • Research interests
    Theory of Elasticity (lower-dimensional modeling)
    Fluid Mechanics (fluid-solid interaction and flow through porous media)
    Partial Differential Equations (reduction of dimension and homogenization)

  • Supervising
    six PhD theses: Mladen Jurak, Sanja Bucalo-Marušić, Josip Tambača, Nelida Črnjarić-Žic, Boris Muha, Ivan Dražić

  • Member/chairman of Scientific/Organizing Commeetee of thirteen international conferences
    First Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb, 1996
    Functional Analytic Methods in Differential Equations, Dubrovnik, 1997
    Conference on Operational Research, KOI '98, Rovinj, 1998
    Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation, Dubrovnik, 1999
    Applied Analysis and Eigenvalue Problems, Memorial conference for Branko Najman, Dubrovnik, 2000
    Second Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb, 2000
    Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Dubrovnik, 2001
    Third Croatian Mathematical Congress, Split, 2004
    Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Brijuni, 2007
    Fourth Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, 2008
    Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Zadar, 2009
    The Second Najman Conference on Spectral Problems for Operators and Matrices, Biograd, 2013
    PDEs, Continuum Mechanics and Numerical Analysis, A Conference in Honor of the 80th Anniversary of Professor Ibrahim Aganović, Dubrovnik, 2014

  • Member of Editorial Board of Proceedings of International Conferences
    ApplMath99, Dubrovnik 1999, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, 1999
    ApplMath01, Dubrovnik 2001, Kluwer Publishers, 2002
    ApplMath03, Brijuni 2003, Springer, 2004
    ApplMath09, Zadar 2009, Mathematical Communications, 2010

  • Visits to foreign universities
    Laboratoire d'Analyse Numerique, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 1983/84, post-doc fellow
    Department of Mathematics, University of Saskatchewan, six months research position, 1988/89
    Department of Mathematics, University of Saskatchewan, visiting professor, 1989/90


    B.Purgarić, Z.Tutek, A quantitative method for following the precipitation of slightly soluble salts of polyprotic weak acids, Analytica Chimica Acta 112 (1979), 193-198

    N.Limić, Z.Tutek, On convex and quadratic interval programming, Glasnik Matematički, Vol. 14 (34), 1979, 181-189

    I.Aganović, Z.Tutek, Eindimensionale Approximation der Gleichung von Lame, Berichte Nr. 154 (1981), Forschungszentrum, Graz

    Z.Tutek, One-dimensional approximation of the three-dimensional eigenvalue problem in linear theory of elasticity, Glasnik Matematički, Vol. 20 (40)(1985), 71-85

    I. Aganović, Z. Tutek, On the lower-dimensional approximation of the mixed problem for Laplace equation, Glasnik Matematički, Vol. 20 (40) (1985), 335-341

    Z.Tutek, I.Aganović, A justification of the one-dimensional linear model of elastic beam, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 8 (1986), 502-515

    A.Mikelić, Z.Tutek, On Determination of Fractional Flow Function from Measured Data (in Croatian), INA-Naftaplin, Zagreb, 1-29, 1986

    A.Cimetiere, G.Geymonat, H.LeDret, A.Raoult, Z.Tutek, Une derivation d'un modele non lineaire de poutre a partir de l'elasticite tridimensionnelle, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t.302, Serie I, No.19, 1986, 697-700

    A.Mikelić, Z.Tutek, Determination of relative permeabilities by optimal control: simulation of permeabilities by finite elements (in Croatian), INA-Naftaplin, Zagreb, 1-82, 1986

    Z.Tutek, A homogenized model of rod in linear elasticity, in Applications of Multiple Scaling in Mechanics, Eds. P.G.Ciarlet, E.Sanchez-Palencia, Masson, Paris, 1987, 316-332

    A.Cimetiere, G.Geymonat, H.LeDret, A.Raoult, Z.Tutek, Asymptotic theory and analysis for displacements and stress distribution in nonlinear elastic straight slender rods, J.Elasticity, 1988, 111-161

    M.Jurak, Z.Tutek, A one-dimensional model of homogenized rod, Glasnik Matematički, Vol. 24 (44)(1989), 271-290

    A.Mikelić, Z.Tutek, Identification of mobilities for the Buckley-Leverett equation, J.Inverse Problems 6(1990), 767-787

    M.J.Miketinac, S.Sokhansanj, Z.Tutek, Identification of heat and mass transfer coefficients in thin layer drying, Proceedings of International Conference on Storage and Drying Technology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 1991, 14-19

    M.J.Miketinac, S.Sokhansanj, Z.Tutek, Determination of heat and mass transfer coefficients in thin layer drying of grain, Transactions of the ASAE, Nov./Dec. 1992, Vol.35, No.6, 1853-1858

    I. Aganović, Z. Tutek, Homogenization of a micropolar fluid flow through a porous medium, in Mathematical Modelling of Flows through Porous Media (eds. A. Bourgeat, C. Carasso, S. Luckhaus i A. Mikelić), pp. 3-14, World Scientific, London 1995

    I. Aganović, E. Marušić-Paloka, Z. Tutek, Slightly wrinkled plate, ZAMM 75 (1995), S 1, 137-138

    I. Aganović, K. Delinić, Z. Tutek, Homogenization of an elastic medium containing rigidly connected elastic inclusions, ZAMM 75 (1995), S 2, 449-450

    I. Aganović, E. Marušić-Paloka, Z. Tutek, Slightly wrinkled plate, Asymptotic Analysis, 13 (1) (1996), 1-30

    I. Aganović, M. Jurak, E. Marušić-Paloka, Z. Tutek, A model of wrinkled plate, ZAMM 76 (1996), S 2, 457-458

    I. Aganović, K. Delinić, Z. Tutek, Homogenization of a spectral problem for a pile foundation structure, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 20 (1997), 979-988

    I. Aganović, Z. Tutek, Homogenization of unsteady Stokes flow of micropolar fluid through a porous medium, ZAMM 77 (1997), S 2, 505-506

    I. Aganović, Z. Tutek, K. Veselić, Decoupling of a system of two membranes connected by a thin rigid cylinder, ZAMM 77 (1997), S 2, 507-508

    M. Jurak, Z. Tutek, Model of wrinkled rod, ZAMM 77 (1997), S 2, 583-584

    Z. Tutek, Matematička analiza kompozitnih i tankih struktura (in Croatian Mathematical analysis of composite and thin structures), Zbornik radova simpozija o fundamentalnim istraživanjima, HAZU, Zagreb 1997, 26-32

    I. Aganović, Z. Tutek, Nonstationary micropolar fluid flow through porous medium, Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 30, Part V (1997), Proceedings of the Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, 3171-3179

    I. Aganović, M. Jurak, E. Marušić-Paloka, Z. Tutek, Moderately wrinkled plate, Asymptotic Analysis 16 (3,4) (1998), 273-299

    M. Jurak, J. Tambača, Z. Tutek, Derivation of curved rod model by Kirchhoff assumptions, ZAMM 79 (1999) 7, 455-463

    M. Jurak, Z. Tutek, Wrinkled rod, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol.9, No. 5 (1999) 665-692

    I. Aganović, Z. Tutek, K. Veselić, Approximation of Green's Function and Application, Glasnik Matematički (memorial issue dedicated to professor Branko Najman), Vol. 35(55), No. 1 (2000), 179-190

    J. Tambača, Z. Tutek, Evolution Model of Curved Rods, Proceedings od Fifth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 10-14, 2000, Eds. A. Bermudez et al., SIAM and INRIA, 2000, 197-202

    J. Tambača, Z. Tutek, Dynamic model of curved rods, Proceedings of the 1. Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computation, Dubrovnik 1999, Eds. V. Hari et al, Matematički odjel PMF, 2000

    M. Jurak, J. Tambača, Z. Tutek, Modeling of curved rods, Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Dubrovnik 2001, Eds. V. Hari et al, Kluwer, 2002

    I. Aganović, J. Tambača, Z. Tutek: On the asymptotic analysis of elastic rods, preprint, 2004

    I. Aganović, J. Tambača, Z. Tutek, Derivation and justification of the models of rods and plates from linearized three-dimensional micropolar elasticity, Journal of Elasticity, 84 (2006), 131-152

    I. Aganović, J. Tambača, Z. Tutek, A note on reduction of dimension for linear elliptic equations, Glasnik Matematički, 41 (2006), 77-88

    I. Aganović, J. Tambača, Z.Tutek, Derivation and justification of the model of micropolar elastic shells from three-dimensional linearized micropolar elasticity, Asymptotic Analysis 51(3,4) (2007), 335-361

    I. Aganović, J. Tambača, Z.Tutek, Derivation of the model of elastic curved rods from three-dimensional micropolar elasticity, Annali dell' Universita 'di Ferrara 53 (2007), 109-133

    B. Muha, Z. Tutek, Numerical analysis of a free piston problem, Mathematical Communication, Vol. 15 No. 2, 573-585, 2010

    B. Muha, Z. Tutek, On a free piston problem for Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations, Glasnik Matematički, Vol. 47 (2), 381-400, 2012

    B. Muha, Z. Tutek, On a free piston problem for potential ideal fluid flow, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 35 (14), 1721-1736, 2012, DOI: 10.3934/cpaa.2014.13.1613

    B. Muha, Z. Tutek, Note on evolutionary free piston problem for Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, Vol. 13 (4), 1629-1639, 2014, DOI: 10.3934/cpaa.2014.13.1613

Last modified on 12/03/2014